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Not your ordinary FOOD blog!

Ceci Tadfor grew up in her native home of Cameroon watching her grandmother prepare large meals for a growing family.  There were also friends and neighborhoods that would sometimes come to visit right around meal times.  Many of the ingredients for the traditional African cuisine came from the harvests of their family farm.  The young girl seldom left her grandmother’s side . . . always observing, trying new techniques, and using new tastes in spices and nutritional fixings.  After years of preparing large meals for her extended family, her restaurant clientele, her culinary students on the collegiate level, and catering public events, the extraordinary food curator is now introducing ‘not your ordinary blog’ content.

ceci's african kitchen

“It’s not just info about recipes and menu selections taken from my global travels.  It’s about a culture known to celebrate life with good food, fine wine, and great music.  It’s about the unfamiliar culinary artists who want to share something new and tasty and impressive.  It’s a teaching blog introducing food diversity.”